COVID-19 Resources

Campus Worker Solidarity Fund

(UM and USM Workers)

In the first two months of the pandemic crisis, the United Campus Workers of Mississippi, with chapters in Hattiesburg and Oxford, raised more than $26,000 to alleviate the burdens of people in our communities. We have redistributed this mutual aid fund in $200 emergency grants to 132 workers at the University of Mississippi and the University of Southern Mississippi and their families. We have also directed dozens of people to other mutual aid networks for assistance with food and other supplies, helped student workers apply for CARES Act relief funds, and facilitated consistent access to the UM Food Bank. UCW-MS has helped a range of campus workers: full- and part-time staff, graduate workers, undergraduate student-workers, and Aramark workers. With 76 requests for assistance still pending, the Campus Workers Solidarity Fund is now closed to new requests.

UMiss and LOU Community Mutual Aid

(Oxford and Lafayette County)

The UM chapter of SASI has created a spreadsheet to coordinate support in the LOU community. Anyone who is experiencing an insecurity in housing, transportation, food, physical and emotional health, child care, pet care, etc. can list their need in the appropriate page in the spreadsheet. Those who have resources available and are willing to share with another community member in need can add that to the spreadsheet as well.

Rebel Relief Fund

(UM Students)

Per the University’s latest COVID-19 Update: Students may reach out to the UMatter office if they are in need of emergency financial assistance through Rebel Relief. The Office of Financial Aid will review each case and students will be asked to provide documentation of financial need, such as monthly bills or evidence of a lost job, etc. Rebel Relief awards are small micro-grants and may not meet the need of ongoing expenses that students may face. Food expenses will likely be referred to the Ole Miss Food Bank, Oxford Food Pantry or other resources that address food insecurity.

The University has advertised fundraising more than $100,000 for its various Rebel Aid efforts, but the process for applying for a relief grant has not been made explicitly clear. If you are a student at the University of Mississippi and need guidance or assistance in applying for aid from Rebel Relief, please send an email to We’re here to help you access these funds.

UM Food Bank

(UM Community Members)

Beginning in April, UCW-MS has worked to ensure members of our community in Oxford had access to the UM Food Bank, filling more than 70 food orders and distributing more than 1500 pounds of food in just the first month after such effort began.

UCW-MS continues to organize access to the UM Food Bank. People in need of groceries and other items should complete the UM Food Bank Order Form. We fill orders twice a week, on Wednesday and Fridays.

The UM Food Bank is located in 213 Kinard Hall on UM’s campus (the street address for Kinard Hall is 207 Rebel Drive). The building should be accessible 24 hours a day.

If you are in urgent need, but did not complete the form, items will be left in front of the Food Bank for folks to take as needed.

Move On Up Mississippi Emergency Fund

(Oxford and Lafayette County)

If you live in Lafayette County and have lost your job because of this public health crisis, have been quarantined under a doctor’s order, or have been doctor diagnosed with COVID19, Move On Up Mississippi can help with access to food. 

If you are an individual or part of an organization that would like to assist either financially or with your time and energy, please email with the subject line HERE TO HELP. If you have any questions related to assistance, donations, or volunteering please email

Edwards Street Fellowship Center

(Hattiesburg and Forrest County)

1919 Edwards St., Building 1, Hattiesburg, MS
(601) 544-6149
The Edwards Street food pantry is open Monday through Wednesday, 9 am to 2 pm and Thursday and Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. To sign up for services bring a photo ID, know the names and dates of birth of all household members, and know the total household income (including SNAP, TANF, & SSI). The health clinic is not currently accepting new patients.

Christian Services, Inc.


(601) 582-5683
Christian Services delivers to Meals on Wheels recipients, provides grocery boxes for those who have been affected by COVID-19, and offers financial assistance for prescriptions and utilities.

Mississippi Department of Employment Security


The Mississippi Department of Employment Security has modified its existing unemployment compensation rules to allow workers to file a claim for unemployment benefits if they have been quarantined by a medical professional or a government agency, laid off or sent home without pay for an extended period by their employers due to COVID-19 concerns, diagnosed with COVID-19, or caring for an immediate family member who is diagnosed with COVID-19.  

To file an Unemployment Claim, visit the MDES website at or call the MDES Contact Center at 1-888-844-3577. Online filing is encouraged.